BPJS Call Center for Various Info : ApkUang

The existence of BPJS call centers is something that is quite needed for its users. BPJS itself is divided into two, namely employment and health. Generally, users of social security are the ones whomake their kind. Dari both insurances have integrated call contacts differently.

So, before you use the service from the Social Organizing Agency, the number needs to be ascertained first if it is appropriate.  Layanan call terpadu is a place for social security owners to file arequest for participation regarding information and products. These contacts are needed for service users to be informed.

 Bpjs employment call center contact  is 1500910.  Not just a question about the service, the contact can also be used as aplace to distribute suggestions and input.  Complaints about the performance of BPJS officers can also be submitted at the number. Of course, complaints are still about BPJS employment products.

Unlike the type of employment, to make a call to the call center at BPJS Kesehatan you must call 1500 400. In the contact service, you can geta variety of information needed. Interestingly, the  integrated service center is reached for a full 24 hours for 1 week.

Know the Type of BPJS in Choosing the Right Service

In order to contact the call to the BPJS call center appropriately, various types of products and services must be known in advance. As a form of social security or insurance, BPJS has a fairly important role for people’s lives. To understand more about this insurance, it’s a good idea to know the type.

BPJS itself is a program created by the government to provide guarantees for the community. The guarantee is very diverse from health to the economy through the type of employment. The purpose of this program is to improve the welfare of the people of Indonesia. Insurance helps in protecting public health.

Bpjs health and employment call centers can be used to find out more about the products offered. Health insurance has several different types. One of them is the participant of contribution assistance. This insurance is aimed at the poor. To obtain this type of insurance there is no need to register.

Health insurance recipients of contribution assistance have previously been recorded as people can not afford so they do not need to pay. People with total disabilities are also eligible to receive it. So that bpjs-PBI beneficiaries are not just poor people. For the type of service obtained is also different, namely class III.

The next type is not the recipient of dues.  Peserta from insurance has an obligation topay dues every month in order to get all the benefits later.  The social security members are also dividedinto several parts, namely   regular wage earners with diverse examples of work. Furthermore, the working class without a fixed salary.

Various BPJS Call Center Services

One type of insurance provided by the government is BPJS employment. The existence of insurance is intended to provide adequate economic security for the community. The government has made it mandatory for companies to enroll employees on this type of insurance. The payment is made by the company every month in part.

There are at least 4 guarantees for participants who have this insurance. Among them are death, work accidents, retirement and old age. By having these four programs, it is certainly easier for workers, especially to receive protection. Various types of programs you can ask by contacting the call center.

You can also get various information about the service by contacting the BJPS call center. The type of membership can be known easily by contacting the call center. The membership type itself is divided into four, namely PPU, PBPU, Jakon, and PMI. Each membership has different features based on work.

Jakon or construction workers have an insurance membership registration mechanism by the contractor. There are two types of programs with payments from contractors, namely social security in the form of JKK and death due to work accidents. Generally, recipients of this insurance include daily workers and so on.  For the other type, namely PBPU.

People in the PBPU category are workers who have independent income. Participants of this insurance are self-employed workers outside the formal sector. The type itself includes traders, lawyers, to angkot drivers. The programis in the form of old age guarantee or JHT, death and work accidents. The entire membership fee is covered independently.

BPJS Call Center by Knowing the Requirements

Generally, many peoplecontact the call center to get various information. This is no exception to insurance membership. There are various terms and conditions that have been arranged so that participants need to know the various benefits of the insurance. For guarantee participants, it is necessary to follow several programs that have been set.

JHT participants need to follow several stages such as the registration process. This old age guarantee is given if some of the requirements of the participants have been met. These requirements include being 56 years old or older, permanently disabled to death.

In addition to these requirements, you can also ask the BPJS call center about the rules given. Meanwhile, for retirement age there isah when social security members decide to resign from the company. Participants who experience layoffs can also benefit. There are two methods of benefiting from JHT.

Participants who are not yet 56 years old but have decided to resign from the company can only get half. For other requirements, it has been 10 years. The acquisition of benefits treats its own provisions and only has a once chance in its collection.

The existence of an old age guarantee program is very helpful for workers to still benefit even though it is no longer different. With the existence of the JHT protection program, workers will still be economically protected even though they will no longer be able to work. As part of the government’s program on social security, JHT is quite useful.

BPJS Call Center for Various Info

JKK is the most common insurance obtained from BPJS employment because it is part of social security protection.  The guarantee program includes compensation and maintenance costs. Meanwhile, participants with this category of beneficiaries had accidents to diseases originating from the workplace. The purpose of insurance is to protect workers.

The amount of JKK fees imposed by yourself depends on the risk of employment. For JKK with low job risk, the cost burden is 0.24 percent of the monthly salary. Each level of risk has a different percentage to pay depending on the height. The higher the job risk, the greater the payout percentage.

Call BPJS centers can also help understand other programs besides social security in the form of work accidents. One that is quite widely owned is JKM or death guarantee. As the name implies, the benefits of the program are only obtained by workers who died at work and are registered as members.

Like other types of death insurance, beneficiaries are the families of JKM participants or heirs. Insurance is given in the form of cash. Only participants who are still workers can obtain this guarantee program. There is a fee from the salary paid for this one dues.

As a social security, BPJS has various types and protection programs aimed specifically at registered communities. With the many programs, you can get information about the types, benefits to requirements through BPJS call center contacts.
